You are currently browsing the daily archive for February 20, 2019.

moving to the back of the train


how long-ago answers

from when history was not designed


to record the same way as say

a color or a pain today


become much more essential

now that the memory bombs


drop in clusters

of vague sensations –


blended reconstructions

balled up


in before and later

or smoothed in the blur of


sometime on or about

like summer flowers


flattened in a book without a date

brought to light by a random visit


to Pound’s ABC of Reading

finding a violet pressed


against his instructions

for charging language with meaning:


phanopoeia, melopoeia, logopoeia

the violet pressed there why


in such a slim volume except

it would be preserved


by its neighbors – the Guide

to Kulchur on the one side and


The Cantos on the other

how could I have imagined


in 1963 or 4 that I would have

positioned the charge of images


sounds and mingled words

in such a frail subconsciousness


moved by where those flowers grew

and I was plucking them – returning to


check the publication –

second printing of the 1960 first edition –


and the primal question of that season:

does the word dictate


the experience we articulate?

as in,


do the words find it for us

or do we find the words for it?


oh, dear violet, oh, dear Ezra, where

was I and what feelings are these


that now grace this retrograde



Robin Eichele

February 2019

Robin Eichele

I have been writing poetry as long as I can remember, which is more than a few years. I have published here and there and have read my works at various venues in Michigan, Toronto, New York, California, and London. Your comments and feedback are always welcome. I can be reached at,, and on Twitter @PoetEichele. I have a free ebook available, "Sleeping with Dolphins, Selected Poems 2009." Send me an email request and I will reply with the pdf file. The book includes an audio recording of each poem and a short impressionistic video.

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